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Which is its agronomic activity of potassium humate

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what is potassium humate?

Potassium humate is a 100% water-soluble powder product. Is has a high concentration and provides organic matter and potassium, so not only improves the soil in a physical, chemical and biological level, but also provides one of the three primary elements that every plant needs. It is recommended for its dilution in the water with which farmers prepare the mix and be used like the traditional liquid humic acids, to be applied to the soil through the fertirrigation system.

When we use potassium humate, we are providing a high percentage of humic acids, and also a small amount of fulvic acids.

Which is the manufacture process?

For the manufacture of potassium humate, we start with mineral leonardite. After the proper treatment of this raw material, we obtain humic extracts of more quality and agronomically profitable.

Leonardite is a humified substance (vegetal material that is been decomposed since antiquity. It has a high content of organic matter and it is in the middle point between the turf and lignite total transformation to carbon. The manufacture process or extraction is complex and it is required the use of the needed raw materials in their right proportion to obtain an optimal extraction, which is done by potassium hydroxide (to get the best final product). The final result is a liquid product that is dried and commercialized in bags of different size.

Which is the difference between applying the solid and liquid formulations?

The humic acid concentration in solid products is higher than in the liquid ones.

Thus, with a small dose of product, it is obtained an important effect on the crop. However, the dose with liquid products should be higher.

As solid products are very concentrated, we only move during transport the material that is going to have a positive effect on soils, avoiding the movement of water. This water would be used later by the farmer in order to have the mixture and dilute the product directly on the field, before its application through the irrigation system. As an alternative, it can be used liquid humic acids, being in this case containers of 1000 l volume or carafes of 20 l the most common packaging; as the dose per hectare to be used is around 40-50 l/ha, divided in several applications.

Although the product can also be applied via foliar or directly to the soil, it is recommended the application after dilution with the irrigation water, because it is on the soil where it will have a big effect. With this technique, the product is dilute in the water that will be used later for the irrigation, profiting the flux of water as a carrier of the product. This modality entail water and energy saving and avoid environment pollution.

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