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What are the benefits of foliar fertiliser spray on bananas

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What are the benefits of foliar fertiliser spray on bananas

When it comes to fertilising bananas, let's start by understanding their nutrient absorption. Bananas are one of the main fruits in people's lives and their nutritional value is high. It is loved by people.

The absorption of nutrients in bananas is mainly done by the root system, but the absorption of the green part of the leaves and young fruits is not negligible. Spraying foliar fertiliser, trace elements and growth factors after the plant has drawn buds is good for promoting fruit development. Spraying foliar fertiliser during the dry season also increases air humidity and assists the root system to absorb water, thus promoting plant growth and development.

The effect of foliar fertiliser spraying can be reflected very quickly due to the short distance of nutrient transport. As long as the foliar fertiliser is targeted, the symptoms of deficiency are quickly alleviated. Foliar spraying can also be combined with pest and disease control.

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