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Urea: more than 65% of conventional use is wasted, change the way you apply fertiliser for better results

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Although the nitrogen content of urea is outstanding, however, the actual effective utilisation rate of urea is often less than 35%, which means that more than 65% of the urea is not used, but is wasted, especially in the absence of scientific methods of urea use, the loss is more serious.

For example, by spreading or flushing urea, often less than 30% utilisation rate, because urea to play a fertilising effect, need to be converted into carbonic acid or ammonia bicarbonate through the action of urease, and ammonia fertiliser in low humidity or high temperature, it is easy to volatilise into the air, which will cause serious loss of nitrogen fertiliser, which is in the actual production process, although the nitrogen content of urea is high, but the effective This is an important reason why the effective utilisation rate of urea is relatively low despite its high nitrogen content.

It is also important to note that urea is a semi-slow-acting fertiliser (because it needs to be converted into ammonium nitrogen by decomposition), so the release of nitrogen from urea is relatively slow compared to ammonium nitrogen fertilisers such as ammonium chloride, and relatively fast compared to slow-acting fertilisers such as organic fertilisers, so it is also known as a semi-slow-acting fertiliser. As a result, urea tends to lag behind if the plant is deficient in nitrogen or if nitrogen needs to be replenished in time for the critical period of nitrogen fertilisation.

Therefore, in the specific production process, urea is used 4-5 days earlier than with fast-acting nitrogen fertilisers such as nitrate or ammonium nitrogen, but even this still does not avoid the waste caused during conversion to ammonium carbonate or ammonium bicarbonate, so is there a better way to apply urea? The answer is yes, that is, foliar spraying of urea, so that urea is not only high utilization, but also faster, specifically in the following four main advantages.

The first is that the crop is absorbed and used more quickly

Because urea is a small molecule organic compounds, after being sprayed to the leaves, in contact with the cell membrane, can be quickly captured by the cell membrane in a short time, and then converted into their own physiological activities required nutrients, but also to promote crop growth, this process saves the soil application of root absorption, stem and leaf transformation and transport process, that is to say, take a shortcut, compared to the soil application is more efficient This means that a shortcut is taken and the soil application is more efficient than the soil application and faster than the soil application, so that the plant's need for nitrogen can be met in a short time.

The second advantage is that urea lasts longer and is absorbed and utilised more effectively on the foliage.

Foliar fertilisers must be sprayed in aqueous solution in order for the nutrients to be fully absorbed and utilised by the leaves, but common foliar fertilisers, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, etc., are often sprayed onto the leaves and will soon evaporate because of wind or light factors, so that the time spent on the leaf surface in an effectively utilised state (water-soluble state) is relatively short, which greatly reduces its effective utilisation.

The key difference is that urea itself has a certain degree of hygroscopicity, which means that it can bring water molecules from the surrounding air to coalesce, so that it can remain in a water-soluble state on the leaves for a longer period of time, and urea has a certain degree of adhesion after absorption (other types of foliar fertiliser often require the addition of washing powder etc. in order to play As a result, the leaves have a longer time to absorb and utilise the urea, and the uptake rate is naturally higher.

A third advantage is that urea can be used directly for the synthesis of organic nutrients

The latest research shows that urea can be used directly by the cell organelles to synthesise amino acids, which are the basic raw material for protein synthesis, after it has been absorbed by the leaves and transported to the cell organelles, so that foliar spraying of urea can accelerate the synthesis of organic substances and improve the plant's own nutrient synthesis capacity, thus laying the foundation for the formation of better yields and quality.

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