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The functional role of organic fertilizers

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1,Complete nutrition and lasting fertilizer effect. Organic fertilizer contains both amino acids, protein, sugar and other organic nutrients, but also contains N, P, K and medium elements (Ca, Mg, S, etc.) and trace elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, etc.) that are beneficial to crop growth. Under the premise that organic matter and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and various trace elements in the soil are increased in large quantities, organic fertilizers are slowly decomposed in the soil compared to chemical fertilizers, and the fertilizer effect is more lasting. 

2, fertilizer and water retention and buffering role. Organic fertilizer in the organic components are mostly hydrophilic colloids, with strong water absorption and holding effect, thus, the application of organic fertilizer is beneficial to the soil to maintain soil moisture. Generally speaking, the maximum water absorption of pure soil particles is 50-60%, but the water absorption rate of humus is as high as 400-600%. Moreover, the humus in organic fertilisers combines with various cations in the soil to form a weak organic acid salt that forms a buffer system with the humus, which plays an important role in mitigating changes in soil pH as well as ensuring a normal growing environment for crops. At the same time, organic fertilisers can also make many of the original heavy metals in the soil into a form that is not easy to move and difficult for plants to absorb, playing a role in purifying the soil. 

3、Regulate the physical and chemical properties of the soil and improve the soil structure. Organic fertilisers can significantly improve the soil organic matter, and organic matter as an important class of soil particle adhesion agent, the formation of soil structure and maintain structural stability has an important role. The size of soil particle agglomeration is closely related to organic matter, and changes in soil structural stability depend on changes in the components of organic matter, with organic matter decomposition contributing to changes in agglomerate stability. Humus, as the final organic matter conversion product, is beneficial to the lasting stability of microagglomerates, while biopolysaccharides function to cluster microagglomerates into larger agglomerates. It is due to this role of organic fertilisers that they play an important role in regulating the contradictions between soil water, fertiliser, gas and heat, as well as changing the quality of soil health. 

4. Promote microbial activity and inter-root nutrition of plants. Organic fertiliser can provide living material for soil microorganisms, promote the activities of microorganisms and plant inter-root nutrition, at the same time, organic fertiliser under the action of microorganisms, constantly decomposing, in addition to releasing a large number of effective nutrients, but also the formation of humus, humus and calcium combined can make the soil agglutinate into a granular structure, granular structure of the soil loose, breathable, water and fertiliser retention power, regulation of water, fertiliser, gas, heat performance, good for crop growth. This is conducive to crop growth. 

The organic matter in organic fertilisers not only provides energy for microorganisms, but also creates a good living environment for microorganisms, and the application of organic fertilisers also increases the beneficial microbiota in the soil, thus promoting the improvement of soil health. The enhanced soil microbial activity promotes the decomposition and transformation of soil nutrients, which induces and stimulates inter-root effects, activates inter-root nutrients in crops, further contributing to an increase in crop root secretions and improved soil enzyme activity. This shows that organic fertilisers have a significant role in promoting nutrient uptake and transformation by plant roots, increasing the effectiveness of nutrients and improving the quality of soil health. 

5、Improve crop quality and yield. Fertiliser application has a great impact on the quality and yield of crops. Organic fertiliser is nutritionally complete and can increase soil fertility, prevent and control pests and diseases, and has an important role in improving crop quality and yield. Relevant expert research shows that, compared with chemical fertilizers, the application of organic fertilizer sugar cane, plant height, stem diameter, the number of effective stems, sugar content, etc. have significantly improved; the application of organic fertilizer fruit trees, fruit size increases, yield increases. 

6. Reduce environmental pollution. With the progress of science and technology and economic development, environmental problems are becoming increasingly prominent. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers has caused environmental pollution problems such as the increase of heavy metals and toxic elements in the soil and the increase of acidification. Organic fertilisers not only reduce the amount of chemical fertilisers and pesticides applied, but also have a restorative effect on polluted soils. In addition, organic fertilisers are produced from livestock and poultry manure, agricultural waste, industrial waste, household waste and other wastes. By making full use of the waste, not only can we promote the sustainable use of resources and turn waste into treasure, but we can also mitigate the negative impact of waste on the environment. Therefore, organic fertilizers play a vital role in reducing environmental pollution. 

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