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Slovenia's Grain Self-sufficiency Has Increased Significantly in 20 Years

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According to the Slovenian News Agency on March 31, Slovenia's cereal self-sufficiency rate has increased significantly over the past 20 years, jumping from 46 percent to 88 percent between 2001 and 2020, according to data from the Slovenian National Statistical Office. According to the statistics, food prices have increased by nearly 15 percent in the past five years and fruit prices by less than 47 percent. between 2001 and 2020, vegetable self-sufficiency increased from 39 percent to 48 percent, meat self-sufficiency decreased from 100 percent to 84 percent, potato self-sufficiency decreased from 79 percent to 60 percent, honey self-sufficiency decreased from 105 percent to 67 percent and egg self-sufficiency decreased from 98 percent to 95 percent. Statistics show that from the beginning of March 2017 to the end of February 2022, food prices increased by 13.9%. Fruits rose the most, by 46.8%, and vegetables by 6.1%. in 2020, 14.3% of Slovenian households' expenditures are spent on food, compared to the EU average of 13.5%. in 2021, Slovenia imports 2.3 million tons of food and beverages, almost three times the amount in 2000, but down 16% from 2008, the year when S. imported the largest amount of food and beverages. in 2021 Imports of processed foods accounted for 72.3 percent and primary foods for 27.7 percent. 2021, Slovenia imported nearly 118,000 tons of wheat and sorghum, more than half of which came from Hungary and less than a third from Croatia. Slovenia also imported nearly 224,000 tons of corn, most of which also came from Hungary and Croatia. Most of the 3,205 tons of rapeseed imported by S. came from Austria, and most of the 74,413 tons of imported cooking oil came from Serbia and Hungary. Nearly 114,000 tons of sugar imports, 70 percent of which came from Austria, Germany and Serbia. 37,324 tons of imported potatoes, more than half of which came from Egypt, 10,798 tons of imported tomatoes and 9,310 tons of imported cabbage, cauliflower, kale and collard greens from Italy and Croatia, 10,220 tons of lettuce mostly from Italy, and 14,196 tons of imported onions mostly from Austria and the Netherlands. Of the 26,161 tons of apples imported in 2021, one-third came from Croatia, and one-quarter of the 59,060 tons of total imported citrus fruit came from Egypt. Banana imports totaled 114,659 tons, half of which came from Ecuador. Milk and milk products imports of 66,832 tons, a quarter of which came from Austria and Hungary. Slovenia imported 77,788 tons of meat in 2021, slightly more than half of which was pork, about a quarter of poultry meat and 11 percent of beef, mostly from Italy and Austria. 


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