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Potassium dihydrogen phosphate for different crops

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Potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used in a variety of ways, including spraying, root irrigation, root dipping and transplanting, seed dipping and seed mixing, and basal application. The appropriate period of use varies from crop to crop. Times, methods and recommended concentrations for the use of potassium dihydrogen phosphate.


The above concentrations are for high-purity potassium dihydrogen phosphate that does not exceed the chlorine content.

Depending on the region, climate and crop, the amount of potassium phosphate to be used will depend on the crop.

Studies have shown that the use of excessive amounts of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can improve quality and increase yields.


Use 100-200g of potassium phosphate per mu and mix with 500-600g of water (water temperature 20-25°C) per 5kg of seed.

In the pre-greening, pre-nodal, pre-flowering and pre-filling stages, apply 200g per mu, dissolve in 75-150 times water and spray.

During the flowering period, 300g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu can be used as an extra-root fertiliser.

Spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate on winter wheat before the onset of the cold snap will help to prevent frost; spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution in the later stages of fertility will not only replenish phosphorus and potassium nutrients, but also have a certain effect on dry and hot winds.


Spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate once at the tillering stage, once at the nodulation stage and once at the gestation stage, at a dosage of 100-200 g per mu to 15 kg of water, will extend the life of the rice sword leaf and promote the transport of photosynthetic products to the seed, further increasing the grain weight and achieving high yields.

Multiple sprays during the filling period can enhance rice's resistance to stress and pests and significantly reduce the incidence of diseases.


Spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate once after seedling establishment and once during the nodulation period, at a rate of 200g to 15kg of water.

Foliar spraying of potassium phosphate solution after flowering can help to preserve roots and leaves and improve the fruit set and filling rate.

The result is less fall, less disease, larger spikes, fuller tops and generally more than 35% yield increase.


Before flowering, during the flowering and podding period, apply two sprays of potassium dihydrogen phosphate at a dosage of 100-200g per mu, mixed with 15kg of water per mu.

It can also be applied in combination with watering during the flowering and podding stages, at a rate of about 400g per mu per application.

The result is less disease, stronger seedlings, earlier fruit set, more and fuller fruit, and an increase of more than 40%.


Spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate once at the seedling stage, once at the first flowering stage and once at the flowering stage, at a rate of 100-200 g per mu, mixed with 15 kg of water.

In the seed bulge period, apply potassium dihydrogen phosphate once in combination with watering at a dosage of 3 kg/mu.

The result is more pods, less disease, less fall, fuller seeds and greater growth.

In case of premature failure due to malnutrition during the bulging period, this can also be remedied by foliar spraying with a 0.3% solution of potassium dihydrogen phosphate.


Before winter, foliar spraying with 100g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate to 15kg of water per mu can be used.

After greening, 200g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu can be sprayed with 15kg of water. After shoots, about 3kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution per mu can be applied.

The result will be strong seedlings, broad and thick leaves, thick garlic shoots, large garlic heads, few loose cloves, good quality, few diseases and early maturity.


During the seedling stage, apply 50g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate to 15kg of water as a foliar spray.

After transplanting and before harvesting, 200g of potassium phosphate can be applied to 15kg of water per mu as a foliar spray, or once during the expansion period at a dosage of 3kg per mu.

The result is more white onion, more solid onion hearts, less disease, higher quality and greater growth.

Oilseed rape

Spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate once in the pre-sowing stage and once in the late sowing stage, using 50-100g of water to 15kg per mu each time.

During the shoots, flowering and ripening stages, spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate once each time with 200g to 15kg of water per mu.

The result is strong seedlings with full seeds, less disease and greater growth.

Sweet potatoes and potatoes

Spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate once during the branching period, stem and leaf growth period and expansion period respectively, using 100g to 15kg of water per mu each time.

It can also be flushed, at least 3kg per mu per application.


Spray once during the seedling, bud and flowering stages, 100-200g to 15kg of water per mu each time, and once every ten days from the boll stage to the top.

The result is strong stalks, early, thick and large results, resistance to early decay, long and tough cotton fibres.

From mid-August to early September, use potassium dihydrogen phosphate as an extra-rooted fertiliser to encourage early boll splitting and flocculation.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, aubergines and other vegetables

Spray twice with potassium dihydrogen phosphate from planting to pre-flowering at a rate of 50-100g per mu with 15kg of water.

After fruiting, spray every 7 days with 200g to 15kg of water per mu.

The performance is green leaves, fresh colour, less disease, can reach the standard of pollution-free vegetables.

Cucumber: In the peak period of melon, a 0.3~0.5% aqueous solution of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used for foliar spraying.

Tomatoes: in the absence of phosphorus caused by small leaves, late results, late plant showing curly leaves, lack of potassium caused by the fruit shape, maturity is not uniform, uneven colour, plants susceptible to grey mould can be remedied with 0.2 ~ 0.3% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution spraying.

Carrots and white radishes

After planting, spray a second application of potassium dihydrogen phosphate with 50-100 g of water per mu.

When entering the expansion period, use 100-200g to 15kg of water per mu at a time.

It can also be applied evenly with water when watering, 3 kg per mu is appropriate.

The result is strong stems and leaves, large and uniform fruit, few diseases and less cracking.


Spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate at 100-200 grams per mu with 15 kg of water during the new growth period, before flowering, during flowering and during late flowering.

Spraying one month before harvest will increase the sugar content of the grapes, resulting in larger grapes, fresh colour, good taste and long storage time.

Apple, peach, pear, citrus and other fruit trees

In autumn, apply potassium dihydrogen phosphate evenly to the base fertiliser and water once after covering, using 500-1000g per tree depending on the age of the tree.

Spray once with 800 g of potassium phosphate to 80 kg of water per mu during the first flowering and young fruiting stages respectively.

During the swelling period, spray two to four times at a rate of 1200g of potassium phosphate to 100kg of water per mu; during the fruit swelling period, spray 0.2% of potassium phosphate to promote fruit colouring.

Spray once 7 days before harvest with 1200g per mu in 100kg of water.

The fruit will show sugar content, large fruit diameter, bright fruit colour and good taste.


Foliar spray 0.3% urea and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 3~4 times before and after flowering to increase fruit set rate and improve fruit quality and increase single fruit weight.

Before the onset of the cold snap, foliar spraying of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can play a role in anti-chill and anti-freeze.


Spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate once during the seedling stage at a dosage of 50-100g per mu with 15kg of water.

During the vine stage, after flowering and sitting melon to the expansion period, spray once every 7 days, 200g to 15kg of water per mu each time, not only to increase yield but also to increase sweetness.


Apply 100-200 grams of potassium phosphate every 15-20 days from the time the banana leaves develop to the time the buds bloom, then cover the plant with a small amount of mud from the furrow, or drench the plant with 10-15 kg of water.

To improve nutrient levels, a foliar spray of 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied every 10 to 15 days.


Cherries should be fertilised with phosphate and potash in the late stages of fruiting, with 3 to 5 foliar sprays of 0.3% potassium phosphate. It can also be flushed, at a concentration of between 0.5 and 0.7%.


One root application of 80-100g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate before the onset of the winter cold snap to improve the plant's phosphorus and potassium levels and enhance resistance to cold overwintering.

Foliar sprays of 2 to 3 applications of 0.5% aqueous potassium phosphate solution, once every 7 to 10 days, evenly spraying all the leaves to start the flow of water droplets down the leaves towards the leaf axils and dripping towards the roots, can significantly enhance cold resistance.


For seed soaking, use 200 g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per 100 kg of seed, mix with 50 kg of water, soak the seed for 12-16 hours, fish out and dry.

For seed dressing, use 200 g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per 100 kg of seed, mixed with l0 kg of water, and mix well with the seed.

Before transplanting, use 0.4 to 0.5 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu, mix with dry fine soil, add water to make a slurry and dip the roots into it when transplanting.

Woody flowers such as jasmine, gardenia and rhododendron are often sprayed with 0.3% potassium phosphate solution during the growing season to make them strong and colourful.

Herbaceous flowers, such as redbud, petunia, dahlia, etc., are sprayed with 0.3% potassium phosphate 2 to 3 times during the budding period to make their flowers bigger and more colourful.


After topping tobacco, spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate at a concentration of 1000 times and again 10 to 15 days later.


During the growing period of tea, 50g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu can be used as a foliar spray against 15kg of water, which can effectively resist drought, cold, yellow leaves and other diseases, and can substantially improve the yield and quality of tea.

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