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Organic fertilizers,Inorganic fertilizers,Biofertilizers, what is the best combination

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Chemical fertilizers.

The advantages are high nutrient content, fast fertilizer efficiency and significant yield increase.

The disadvantage is that the nutrients are relatively single, usually need several fertilizers with the application; nutrient release rate is fast, the vertical balance of supply capacity is poor; easy to volatilization, leaching, fixed and other ways to lose, fertilizer utilization rate is not high; acid, alkali, salinity is strong, the application of improper, not only for plant growth, but also may make the soil deterioration, reduce soil fertility.

Organic fertiliser.

The advantage is that it is rich in organic matter and many nutrients required by plants. Organic fertilisers are also excellent soil conditioners and fertilisers, improving soil structure, increasing soil nutrient capacity, enhancing soil fertility and water retention, regulating soil pH, promoting soil microbial activity and increasing soil nutrient effectiveness.

The disadvantage is that the nutrient concentration is low and the fertiliser supply is slow, thus the effect of yield increase is not as significant as that of chemical fertilisers.


The advantage is that it activates the fixed nutrients in the soil, stimulates the growth and absorption of the root system and can reduce the amount of fertiliser applied to the corresponding nutrients.

The disadvantage is that it does not contain any nutrients and does not supply the crop with nutrients for a long time. As the fertiliser is made up of live bacteria, it is usually not exposed to direct sunlight or mixed with pesticides, and has strict requirements on soil temperature, humidity, pH, organic matter content and other environmental conditions.

First, pay attention to the application time

Organic fertiliser is slow to take effect and should be applied early, generally before sowing or planting a one-off bottom application, farmyard manure must be rotted before use, the effect of late chasing is not as obvious as for the bottom fertiliser. High quality commercial organic fertilizers should be applied in time to ensure good soil moisture or timely watering!

Fertilisers are fast-acting and should be applied a week or so in advance as a base fertiliser, and retrospectively before the crop's nutritional threshold or peak nutrient absorption period to meet its needs. The amount of chemical fertiliser can be reduced by 20-30% with high quality commercial organic fertiliser. Depending on the product content.

Biofertiliser can be applied early before planting to give it time to multiply and grow, and can be applied to the soil with organic fertiliser, or in the cavity before planting or when planting. Note the functional protection against active bacteria, without going into the details, which have been mentioned many times before.

Secondly, pay attention to the application method

The main function of organic fertiliser is to improve the soil and provide nutrients at the same time. It is generally applied to the soil as a base fertiliser, so it should be combined with deep ploughing so that the soil is completely mixed with organic fertiliser for the purpose of improving the soil, and when the soil problem is serious it can also be combined with the use of Sea Wizard bio-stimulant, which can better improve the soil environment, balance the nutrients and increase the soil mass structure, etc.

In the base fertiliser, as the nutrients in the organic fertiliser are mainly nitrogen, the nitrogen fertiliser used with the organic fertiliser can be applied sparingly. 70% can be used as a base fertiliser and 30% as a chaser. Phosphate fertiliser and potash can be applied at once as a base fertiliser. Phosphate fertiliser is poorly mobile and has a very poor effect when applied later, so it should be applied to the soil as a base fertiliser.

The best fertiliser to be used as a full-soluble fast-acting fertiliser, such as phosphorus and potassium source bank, so that the fertiliser can be quickly absorbed by vegetables after decomposition, with less impact on the soil.

Biological fertilisers can be applied in a concentrated manner in the planting hole or with organic fertilisers as they are used in small quantities. Later on, the same kind of biofertiliser can be applied several times to strengthen the flora, in order to improve the phosphorus and potassium removal ability and disease prevention effect.

Again, pay attention to the amount of application

Different crops require different amounts of fertiliser at different stages of fertility, not more and not less. The fertiliser should be applied according to the different fertiliser ratios of the crop, and attention should also be paid to the nutrient content of the soil, taking the whole picture into account. It is best to carry out a soil test and follow the recommendations of the soil test formula for fertilisation or use it according to the product expert's instructions!

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