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Organic fertilizer is not effective, what is the problem?

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There are many reasons why the use of organic fertilizer is not effective, here are two categories, the first is the reason of the producer, the second is the reason of the use.

The first category: reasons of production enterprises

The reasons for production control involve quality control, and here we focus on nutrients, pH, chloride content, salt content, cation exchange, humic acid, small molecule fatty acids, heavy metals, harmful microorganisms and other factors.

Many of these elements do not appear in the organic fertilizer industry standards, but they must be noted.

1. Nutrients

Due to the raw materials themselves low nutrients or fermentation production process, some enterprises of organic fertilizer fermentation out, its nutrients are not qualified, coupled with some factories do not even have a laboratory, a number of products so step into the market. Some enterprises found that nutrients are not enough, but also can not afford to add fertilizer supplement, but also make these products on the market.

No fertilizer registration certificate of the products produced by enterprises, and not in the market circulation, is generally directly to the user, this piece is particularly difficult to regulate.

2. pH value

The raw materials themselves have different pH, and the pH changes a lot during the fermentation process. If the fermentation process is not well controlled, it is possible that the pH will be found to be above 8.5 or below 5.5.

Especially the over-acid product will lead to crop growth obstruction or death, while the over-alkaline organic fertilizer, due to the general acidity of the soil in the south, is rather less harmful.

3. Chloride ion content

Generally no one will test the chloride ion content, but some raw materials contain quite a lot of chloride ions, especially when used on crops that are seriously avoiding chlorine, serious problems can occur.

Some manufacturers also use ammonium chloride, a class of chlorine-containing fertilizers added to organic fertilizers to improve the total nutrients in nitrogen, which is also leading to higher chloride ion content, affecting the growth of crops.

4. Salt content

High salt content of fertilizer is like spilling a packet of salt into a limited amount of land, and the crop is very affected. Generally speaking, the salt content of raw materials such as household sludge and food waste is high, and crops that are not salt tolerant will experience yellow leaves, leaf drop, wilting and death.

5. Cation exchange amount

General well-rotted organic fertilizer, its cation exchange is large, fertilizer fertility, buffering capacity, pH, salt has a good buffering effect, for maintaining the good condition of the soil has a very important role.

The organic fertilizer without decomposition or even dried manure sold, its cation exchange is very low, can not play the buffer effect, on the contrary, will also harm the buffer effect of the soil itself, causing crop growth obstacles.

6. Humic acid

Fresh raw materials almost do not contain humic acid, humic acid is in the organic fertilizer fermentation production process is constantly produced, to high temperature fermentation (greater than 50 ℃) is particularly obvious.

Combined with ammonium, potassium and sodium, humic acid has the function of stimulating crop growth and also has the effect of easy attraction, which can also improve crop resistance, promote yield, promote sprouting, and humic acid can even enhance soil buffering capacity because of its exchange capacity.

7. Small molecule fatty acid

Low-grade fatty acids have adverse effects on seed germination and plant growth. Small molecule fatty acids tend to attract flies, which is relatively easy to observe.

In general, small molecule fatty acids are found in unrotted materials, such as fresh chicken manure. The harm caused by them is that small molecule fatty acids will inhibit seed germination and will inhibit root growth.

8. Heavy metals

Heavy metals can accumulate in plants and eventually concentrate in people through the food chain, causing harm to people. Also heavy metals can cause damage to the growth of crops.

Due to the expensive equipment, most companies are not equipped to test for heavy metals, and the agricultural market is only now seeing more law enforcement departments testing for heavy metals.

9. Harmful microorganisms

Composting temperature above 50 ℃ for not less than 5 days, can kill pathogenic bacteria and insect eggs, to achieve harmless.

But in fact, many manufacturers of organic fertilizer production process, due to the level of technology, failed to reach more than 50 ℃ or reached but the time to maintain too short, most of the roundworm eggs, coliforms, etc. failed to kill most of them, which affects the healthy growth of crops.

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