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Organic Fertilizer Is Not Effective, What's The Problem?

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Whether the organic fertilizer use effect is good, in addition to the manufacturer's product itself must meet the national standards, it also involves the correct publicity and guidance of the dealers and manufacturers on the user's use method.


Today we mainly explain the reasons why organic fertilizers are not effective from factors such as nutrients, pH, chloride ion content, salt content, cation exchange capacity, humic acid, small molecular fatty acids, heavy metals, harmful microorganisms, and user usage methods.



Organic fertilizer raw material classification



Livestock and poultry manure, animal and plant residues (including weathered coal), sludge, household garbage, generally speaking, the market price of sludge fertilizer and household garbage fertilizer is the lowest.


At present, the state is also restricting the use of these two raw materials, and reviewing the fertilizer registration certificate application, and prohibiting sludge fertilizer production, while manure fertilizer and plant residue system fertilizer are more favored by investors.


Small-scale, semi-production, that is, canned organic fertilizer production enterprises without raw materials account for more than half of system organic fertilizer production enterprises, and they are generally small in scale.


One is that their organic fertilizer fermentation and deodorization processes are not sound enough and technical support is not enough. They equate the production of commercial organic fertilizer with farmers' homemade farmyard manure (technical indicators often fail to meet industry standards), and only make simple composting.


Some even simply mix several raw materials to sell organic fertilizers that are not decomposed or fully decomposed to farmers. There is no necessary production equipment, no testing, and the production technology is extremely low.


In the current organic fertilizer standard, the definition of organic fertilizer involves the term fermentation maturity, but there is no maturity identification standard in the entire organic fertilizer standard. It is all subjective judgment of the enterprise, leaving a vacuum zone.

For example, fresh chicken manure is dried in the sun and sold to growers. As long as the certificates are complete, it is qualified according to the organic fertilizer standard, but it is prone to problems when used.


Maturity is the top priority in the production of organic fertilizer, and a series of production processes and fermentation strains are involved here. Some organic fertilizers have a good effect, and some organic fertilizers fail to show the effect in the planting process because of their poor quality and misleading publicity.


In some cases, problems such as reduced production and burning of seedlings may also occur, which puts a big question mark on whether it is worthwhile to continue using organic fertilizers. There are also many fertilizer companies that indicate that organic fertilizer can be applied with topdressing, but topdressing does not cover the soil and cannot play the role of fertilizer.


Some organic fertilizers can generate heat or even smell when used in the field, some cause various harmful organisms, some directly cause crops to wilt and die, some lead to yellowing of leaves, and some can smell when the fertilizer bag is opened. The stench can even be smelled in the agricultural supplies shop without opening the bag...


These problems directly lead to chills among growers. Due to the small amount of organic fertilizer used and the uneven quality, most of the organic fertilizers are difficult to play their due role.



Reasons for poor application of organic fertilizer



There are many reasons for the poor use of organic fertilizers, which are divided into two categories (not including diseases). The first category is the reason for the production enterprise, and the second category is the use reason.



the first sort

Reasons for production companies



The reasons for enterprise production control involve quality control. Here we focus on the nutrient, pH, chloride ion content, salt content, cation exchange capacity, humic acid, small molecule fatty acids, heavy metals, harmful microorganisms and other factors.


Many of these contents do not appear in the organic fertilizer industry standards, but they have to be paid attention to.


1. Nutrients


Due to the low nutrient content of the raw materials or the fermentation production process, some companies' organic fertilizers are fermented, but the nutrients are not up to standard. In addition, some factories do not even have a laboratory, and a batch of products have entered the market in this way.

Some companies have found that the nutrients are not enough, but they are reluctant to add chemical fertilizers, which has also enabled these products to enter the market. The products produced by companies without fertilizer registration certificates are not circulated in the market, and are generally directed to users, which is particularly difficult to supervise.


2. pH


The pH of the raw materials itself is different. During the fermentation process, the pH changes greatly. If the fermentation process is not well controlled, it is possible that the pH will be above 8.5 or below 5.5 after fermentation.

In particular, overly acidic products can cause crop growth or death, while overly alkaline organic fertilizers are generally less harmful because the soil in the south is generally acidic.


3. Chloride ion content


Generally, no one will test the chloride ion content, but some raw materials contain a lot of chloride ions, especially when used on crops that are severely chlorine-free, serious problems will occur.


Some manufacturers also use ammonium chloride and other chlorinated fertilizers to add to organic fertilizers to increase the nitrogen in total nutrients, which also leads to increased chloride ion content and affects the growth of crops.


4. Salt content


Fertilizers are high in salt, just like spilling a packet of table salt on a limited field, and crops are affected. Generally speaking, raw materials such as domestic sludge and kitchen waste are relatively high in salt. Crops that are not salt-tolerant will have yellow leaves, fallen leaves, wilting, and death.


5. Cation exchange capacity


Generally decomposed organic fertilizers have a large cation exchange capacity, fertility retention, strong buffering capacity, a good buffering effect on pH and salinity, and a very important role in maintaining a good soil condition.


On the other hand, organic fertilizers that are not decomposed or even dried in the sun have extremely low cation exchange capacity and fail to have the necessary buffering effect. On the contrary, they will harm the buffering effect of the soil itself and cause crop growth obstacles.


6. Humic acid


Fresh raw materials hardly contain humic acid. Humic acid is continuously produced during the fermentation production process of organic fertilizer, especially when fermented at high temperature (greater than 50°C).


Humic acid is combined with ammonium, potassium, and sodium, has the function of stimulating the growth of crops, and also has the effect of being easy to attract. It can also improve crop resistance, promote yield, and promote germination. Humic acid can enhance soil buffer due to its exchange capacity. ability.


7. Small molecule fatty acids


Low-grade fatty acids have an adverse effect on seed germination and plant growth. Small fatty acids tend to attract flies, which is easier to observe.


Generally speaking, small-molecule fatty acids exist in immature materials, such as fresh chicken manure. The harm it brings is: small-molecule fatty acids can inhibit seed germination and root growth.


8. Heavy metals


Heavy metals will accumulate in plants and eventually concentrate on people through the food chain, causing harm to people. At the same time, heavy metals can also cause damage to the growth of crops.


Due to the expensive equipment, most companies do not have equipment to detect heavy metals. Only now in the agricultural material market have law enforcement agencies detected heavy metals.


9. Harmful microorganisms


The compost temperature should be above 50for no less than 5 days, which can kill pathogenic bacteria and insect eggs and achieve harmlessness. But in fact, in the organic fertilizer production process of many manufacturers, due to the technological level, it cannot reach above 50or the time is too short. Most of the roundworm eggs and coliform cannot be killed, which affects The healthy growth of crops.



Second category

Reasons for application



The poor use of organic fertilizers is related to the misleading promotion of fertilizer salespersons, as well as the users' own knowledge and habit of using them.


High-quality soil should be able to provide stable and coordinated water, fertilizer, gas, and thermal rhizosphere environmental conditions for plant growth, support anchoring plants, maintain moisture and air permeability, and also have a buffering effect to keep the rhizosphere environment relatively stable .


In terms of physical properties of good soil, the three phase ratios of solid, liquid and gas are appropriate, and the bulk density, total porosity, and large and small porosity ratios are all appropriate.


In terms of chemical properties, the cation exchange capacity is large, the substrate has good fertility retention, the pH value is close to neutral, and it has a certain buffer capacity and a certain C/N ratio to maintain the biological stability of the substrate during the cultivation process. The organic fertilizer produced by the fertile land is aimed at improving the soil.


The second type of reason can be simply categorized into one sentence: the method of use is incorrect.


Here is a brief introduction to a few incorrect usage methods.


1. Top dressing


Users use organic fertilizers as chemical fertilizers for topdressing, and they fail to cover the soil in time. The fertilizer is only on the surface of the soil and cannot fully contact with the soil, and cannot improve the soil.


In addition to the sun and rain, beneficial microorganisms can't work, and nutrients will also be lost with water. The functions of organic fertilizers such as buffering capacity, vegetable loose soil, water retention and ventilation, heat preservation and fertilizer preservation, etc. are also not reflected.

The best method of organic fertilizer should be used with inorganic fertilizer as base fertilizer, preferably mixed with soil, but at least (organic fertilizer) should not be exposed on the soil surface, such as ditch application and hole application.


2. Use fresh feces directly


Applying fresh manure is like a manufacturer selling unripe organic fertilizer for users, but if something goes wrong, it will be more severe




Precautions for the application base of organic fertilizer



1. It should be applied under sufficient moisture content and suitable temperature. No matter what kind of soil is applied, there must be sufficient moisture to promote its rapid decomposition and transformation.


2. In order to make the fertilizer show the long-lasting and quick-acting sustained effects, the amount of organic fertilizer applied per acre should be sufficient for all fields where organic fertilizer is applied, but it should not be too much to avoid burning seedlings; the specific dosage is based on the content of the product and the fertilizer required by the crop. The characteristics of the period are determined.


3. Do not use too much as a base fertilizer, especially for vegetable greenhouses, not to over-apply; pay attention to the nitrogen content when using organic fertilizers for vegetable greenhouses.


4. When the soil moisture is insufficient, drought resistance and moisture adjustment should be timely after application.


Note: The amount of fertilization varies according to the soil and local climate and habits. The amount of fertilization should be determined according to the actual conditions of the local soil.


In addition, dealers should not blindly pursue high profits when buying and selling products! At present, due to the slow conversion of organic fertilizer effects, some distributors still choose to operate even though they know that certain products are not very reliable.


There are two reasons for the analysis: one is because of high profits. Second, because organic fertilizers are mainly used to improve soil problems, they are generally combined with inorganic fertilizers, and there is no obvious contrast between good and bad products in the short term. This has led to the difficulty of some regular large manufacturers' products being oriented towards users.


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