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Is calcium ammonium nitrate a nitrogen fertilizer? How is it different from general ammonium nitrogen fertilizer?

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Calcium ammonium nitrate is not a single nitrogen fertilizer, but a new type of compound fertilizer containing nitrogen and quick-acting calcium. Calcium ammonium nitrate is white round granules, 100% soluble in water, the nitrate nitrogen in calcium ammonium nitrate does not need to be transformed in the soil first, but is quickly dissolved in water and directly absorbed by plants. Suitable for base fertilizer, seed fertilizer and top dressing. Due to the increase of calcium and magnesium that can be directly absorbed by plants, compared with ammonium nitrate, it has the characteristics of safe use and fast fertilizer efficiency. This product is a neutral fertilizer with low physiological acidity. It can reduce the concentration of active aluminum, reduce the fixation of active phosphorus, and have a certain improvement effect on acid soil. The water-soluble calcium it provides can improve the resistance of plants to diseases and promote the activity of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. When planting economic crops such as vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc., the application of the fertilizer can prolong the flowering period, promote the normal growth of roots, stems, and leaves, ensure the bright color of the fruit, increase the sugar content of the fruit, and significantly improve the commercialization of agricultural products.

The nitrogen in ammonium nitrogen fertilizers is in the form of ammonium, and the nitrogen in nitrate nitrogen fertilizers is in the form of nitrate ions. The two forms of nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, are the same two nitrogen forms that plants can easily absorb and utilize. The difference is mainly reflected in the fact that ammonium nitrogen fertilizer is a source of nitrogen for paddy fields, which exists in reducing conditions and is not easy to leaching in the soil. Nitrate nitrogen fertilizer is a source of nitrogen in dry land. It exists in oxidative conditions and is easily leached out in the soil when it meets water. According to the characteristics of the above-mentioned nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen fertilizer is easily absorbed and maintained by the soil, so the application of fertilizer in the rainy areas and rice fields in the south has a good effect. Nitrate-nitrogen fertilizer has a quick effect, but it is easy to seep or lose under water, so it is more suitable for dry crops such as corn, vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc. in areas with low rainfall or under facilities such as greenhouses.

Since calcium ammonium nitrate is a new type of compound fertilizer containing two forms of nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen and quick-acting calcium, it is safer and suitable for a variety of soils and crops than a single ammonium nitrogen fertilizer or nitrate nitrogen fertilizer. Nowadays, it is a matter of course that it is widely used in large-scale greenhouses, including vegetables, flowers, fruits and other cash crops and food crops cultivated in the field.

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