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Identification and use of potash fertilizers

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Identification and use of potash fertilizers

In agricultural production, potassium fertilizer is one of the three major fertilizers for crop growth, but in the use of potassium fertilizer, we must pay attention to the quality of fertilizer and the method of use.

What are the types of potash fertilizers

There are two types of potassium fertilizers, one is simple potassium fertilizer and the other is compound fertilizer containing potassium. Common elemental potassium fertilizers include potassium chloride, potassium sulfate and potassium silicate.

Potassium Chloride: Imported effective content is generally 60%, domestically produced is 57% or 60%; Potassium Sulfate: Domestically produced active ingredient is generally 50%, Germany is 54%; Potassium silicate: It is an industrial by-product, and the general active ingredient is 10% to 14%, alkaline.

Potassium-containing compound fertilizer, the potassium content of ternary compound fertilizer can be seen from the packaging bag; binary compound fertilizer-potassium nitrate: white crystalline particles, which are relatively rare in the market.

A Simple Method for Identifying Potassium Fertilizer Quality

It is very complicated to discriminate between genuine and fake potassium fertilizers. The simple identification method of potassium fertilizers mentioned here is only a qualitative identification method and cannot identify the level of potassium content. the way is:

Put a little fertilizer granule on the red-hot iron and burn it. Anything that does not melt, has no smell, and is heated to produce a jumping phenomenon can be roughly defined as potash fertilizer.

If the iron sheet is tilted so that the fertilizer grains are directly burned at high temperature, a colored flame will appear. The golden sparkling flame is sodium, and the light yellow with lavender flame is potassium.

Of course, the combustion method alone can only be qualitative, not quantitative.

What problems should be paid attention to when applying potassium fertilizer

1. Pay attention to the soil condition

Generally, when soil potassium is less than 80mg/kg, the effect of applying potassium fertilizer is obvious; when soil potassium is 80-120mg/kg, less or no application is required.

2. Look at crop varieties and fertilize

For potassium-loving crops such as leguminous crops, sugar beets, watermelons, fruit trees and other economic crops, it is necessary to increase potassium fertilizer, and the effect of increasing production is obvious; for crops that require less potassium, it should be used with caution.

3. Reasonable time for potassium fertilizer application

In the rotation of winter wheat and summer corn, potassium fertilizer should be applied preferentially to corn, because the effect of increasing the yield of corn is higher than that of wheat.

4. Reasonable application of potash fertilizer varieties

For fruit trees, tobacco and sugar crops, it is better to apply potassium sulfate; for fiber crops, potassium chloride is appropriate; for general field crops, except for a few crops that are sensitive to chlorine, cheaper potassium chloride can be applied.

5. The amount of potassium fertilizer is reasonable

Excessive application of potassium will not only waste valuable resources, but also reduce the absorption of calcium and other cations by crops, causing "rotten heart disease" in leafy vegetables, "bitter pox" in apples, etc. It will also cause soil environment and water pollution, and weaken crops. production capacity.

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