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How to improve the utilization of urea How to make urea fertilizer longer

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How to improve the utilization of urea How to make urea fertilizer effect longer.

Urea contains 46% nitrogen and is a high-quality nitrogen fertilizer commonly used in production, but the utilization rate of urea is usually only 45 to 50% after application to the soil. So, how to improve the utilization rate of urea? How to make urea fertilizer effect longer?

A, how to improve the utilization rate of urea

1, deep application. Urea whether as a base fertilizer or as a follow-up fertilizer, should be applied deep mulch, fertilizer depth of 10 to 12 cm is appropriate; urea deep application can significantly improve utilization.

2, early application. Urea applied to the soil can not be directly absorbed by the crop, need to be converted into ammonium nitrogen under the action of urease in the soil for the root system to absorb. Application time is too late, not only is not conducive to the effectiveness of fertilizer, and may cause crop greed and late maturity.

3, spraying. Urea foliar spraying targeted, fast absorption rate, high nutrient utilization, and fertilizer application less, yield effect is significant.

Second, how to make urea fertilizer effect more long

Urea a hydrolysis into ammonium nitrogen, if the crop is still in the seedling stage to absorb little nitrogen, the presence of a large number of free ammonia may cause nitrogen loss and reduce utilization.

Therefore, you can add urease inhibitor to delay the time of urea hydrolysis, add urease inhibitor urea applied to the soil, due to urease activity is inhibited, so that the hydrolysis is blocked, it will exist in the soil longer than ordinary urea, known as "stability urea".

Third, the application of urea to pay attention to what

1, urea can not be scattered on the surface: urea scattered on the surface, at room temperature to be absorbed by the crop after 4-5 days of transformation, most of the nitrogen in the ammonification process was volatilized, the utilization rate of only about 30%. Therefore, fertilization can not be scattered on the surface.

2, urea avoid for seed fertilizer: urea for seed fertilizer, often in the conversion process produces a small amount of diurea. Diurea content of more than 2%, it will be toxic to seedlings and seeds.

3, urea can not be mixed with alkaline fertilizers: urea must be converted into ammonia nitrogen to be used by the crop, in alkaline conditions, most of the nitrogen in the ammonia state will become ammonia evaporated.

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