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How to improve the fruit setting rate of grapes

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In the process of grape planting, falling flowers and fruit is a problem often encountered by fruit farmers, and it is also one of the important factors affecting grape yield. So, how to improve the fruit setting rate of grapes?

How to improve the fruit setting rate of grapes?

1. Artificial pollination

In the early days of full bloom, on a sunny morning, after the dew has dried, shake the wire frame gently to manually assist the grapes to pollinate.

2. Foliar spray boric acid and urea mixture

0.2% boric acid and 0.3% urea mixture were sprayed 10 days before flowering and at the beginning of flowering to supplement nutrition, which can significantly improve the fruit setting rate.

3. Reasonable thinning

7 to 10 days before flowering, shape the inflorescence and thin out excess flowers. The method of inflorescence shaping is to cut off 1/4 or 1/5 of the tip of the inflorescence, and remove the poorly differentiated subsidiary ear.

The method of thinning flowers is that two inflorescences can be left on strong branches (the thickness of the 4th to 5th internodes is more than 0.7 cm), and one inflorescence is generally left on fruit branches, and no weak branches are left.

4. Flowering girdling

Girdling at the base of the fruiting branch or the fruiting parent branch during flowering can also improve the fruit set rate.

5. Heavy topping 7~10 days before flowers

The fruiting branches keep 2~3 leaves above the flower stalk, and the nutritious branches keep 5~6 leaves for topping, but the main spreading and long branches do not move, and the topping can be done before and after the beginning of autumn.

6. Regardless of the fruiting branch or the vegetative branch, except for one auxiliary shoot at the front end, the other auxiliary shoots are all erased

When the auxiliary shoots at the front ends of the fruiting branches and vegetative branches grow to a certain length, 6-8 leaves and 8-10 leaves are kept for pinching, respectively, and 1 is reserved for the secondary auxiliary shoots and the auxiliary shoots of the main spreading long branches that occur on them. The leaves are repeatedly topped.

7. Thinning the fruit, pinching the tip and removing the vice

At the same time of topping and processing the auxiliary shoots, according to the load, the redundant fruit branches, vegetative branches and fruit ears should be thinned out, and the remaining fruit ears should be removed from 1/4~1/5 of the tip of the stalk, and the auxiliary stalk should be removed.

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