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How to grow winter melon seedlings When to plant winter melon seedlings

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How to grow greenhouse eggplant in winter What to pay attention to greenhouse eggplant

Eggplant is still in great demand in winter, and in order to better meet the market demand, many growers will choose to grow in greenhouses. So how to grow greenhouse eggplant in winter and what problems to pay attention to in greenhouse eggplant? Let's learn it together!

First, how to plant greenhouse eggplant in winter

Winter greenhouses are not suitable for growing eggplant. Because eggplant is a high-temperature crop, seed germination temperature of 25 to 30 ℃, seedling development temperature of 25 to 30 ℃ during the day, 15 to 20 ℃ at night, 15 ℃ below the slow growth, and caused by the fall of flowers.

Eggplant is suitable for planting in early spring and early autumn. In general, the suitable sowing period for spring eggplant is from late October to November, and the seedling period is 60 to 70 days.

The appropriate sowing period for fall eggplant is June to July, with a seedling period of 25 to 30 days, and anti-season cultivation in cool areas can be sown in March to April and transplanted in May. The amount of seed used per mu is 15~20 grams.

Second, the greenhouse eggplant to pay attention to what problems

1、Variety selection

Be sure to choose varieties with full grains, strong disease resistance and low temperature resistance, so as to ensure better germination and seeds in the greenhouse.

In cover with fine soil, in watering once, when the seeds grow out of 4 leaves can be transplanted, transplanting with soil to facilitate survival, generally transplanting about 2,000 plants per acre, can maintain excellent air permeability.

In addition, the appropriate increase in ventilation can make the seedlings grow sturdy stems, the fruiting rate is also higher.

2、Temperature control pier seedlings

If the temperature of the greenhouse is high at noon, the temperature should be cooled down by ventilation to keep the temperature around 28 degrees, which is suitable for the growth of eggplant, and the temperature at night should not be lower than 10 degrees, otherwise it will lead to frost damage of eggplant seedlings.

When the seedlings grow to 5 leaves, we should strengthen fertilizer management, dig small pits to apply fertilizer when they are about 10 cm away from the roots, cover and then water and irrigate, which can promote the root system to absorb the fertilizer as soon as possible and improve the fertilizer utilization rate.

3、Pinching in time

When eggplant grows, it needs to be pinched, some branches and leaves should be removed, leaving the main head of the stem, so that the flowering and fruiting can be done layer by layer.

In the management, the flowers and small fruits should be thinned out in time, generally there are 3-4 flowers on the top of the layer, so that 3-4 eggplants can bear fruits, do not leave too many fruits, otherwise it will make the eggplant grow poorly.

4, insulation requirements

In November, we entered the winter, so we should cover the greenhouse with grass mats in time to keep warm, from 5 pm every day, we should cover the grass mats, layer by layer, so as to reduce the degree of exposure of plastic foam, which is excellent for heat preservation.

Wait until 9:00 am the next day to uncover the mats, so as to maintain a balanced temperature, so that the growth of eggplants more vigorous.

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