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How to fertilize grapes in winter?

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How to fertilize grapes in winter?

Different types of grapes require different fertilizers at different growth stages. It should be matched and balanced fertilization according to the characteristics of fertilizer required in different growth periods and different fertilizers. The fertilizers consumed by grapes are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. After the grapes are harvested, a rejuvenating fertilizer should be applied in time to achieve the purpose of restoring the tree vigor. 

Apply 10-15 kilograms of urea and 2000 kilograms of agricultural fertilizer per mu. In the middle and late September when the root system of grapes is vigorous, it is important to apply the base fertilizer, and apply it after harvest to before and after the leaves fall. The application of base fertilizer is recommended for 1 kg of fruit and 4 kg of fertilizer. The base fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer combined with phosphorus fertilizer and a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer. Special attention should be paid to the supplementary application of potassium fertilizer. When the base fertilizer is insufficient, extra-root topdressing is required. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is 2:1:2.4.


The method of fertilization mostly adopts strip ditch or radial ditch application. When digging the fertilization ditch, the distance from the main trunk is 50-70 cm and the depth is 30-40 cm. After the fertilizer is applied, the ditch is filled with soil.

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