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How to Improve Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency Eight Tips for Using Nitrogen Fertilizers

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How to Improve Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency Eight Tips for Using Nitrogen Fertilizers

At present, the effective utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer in my country is generally very low. How to reduce nitrogen loss and improve nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate is a common concern of farmers.

Here we will introduce several methods to improve the effective utilization of nitrogen fertilizer to farmers friends.

First, the implementation of mixed application, deep application

Compared with surface application of nitrogen fertilizer, the nitrogen loss can be reduced by mixing nitrogen fertilizer in the soil plough layer, or applying it a few centimeters below the soil surface.

Field experiments on rice show that both mixed application and deep application can reduce the loss of ammonia volatilization and denitrification. Deep application of granular fertilizer can achieve the same yield level as surface application of powder fertilizer, while the amount of nitrogen fertilizer can be reduced by about 1/3.

However, deep application should be used with caution in areas with high rainfall and light soil texture where leaching losses may occur.

2. Strengthening water management

Appropriate water management can also achieve the purpose of increasing the yield of nitrogen fertilizers.

Because the nitrogen fertilizer is irrigated after the surface application, and the water is allowed to bring the fertilizer into the soil layer, this method of bringing nitrogen with water is also one of the measures to reduce the loss of nitrogen.

3. Use slow-acting (long-acting) fertilizers

Slow-release fertilizer is to wrap a layer of film on the surface of granular nitrogen fertilizer, so that soluble nitrogen is gradually released for crop absorption and utilization, reducing nitrogen loss and biological fixation.

The application of slow-acting fertilizers can reduce nitrogen loss to a certain extent, but because of its high price, the application objects are mainly cash crops.

Fourth, choose the best fertilization period

The fertilization period is selected according to the characteristics of the nitrogen requirement of the crops, so that the crops can be high-yield, otherwise the nitrogen content of the stalks of the cereal crops will be high, the empty seedling rate will be high, and the grain yield will be low.

For crops with a long growth period, in addition to the application of basal fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied one to several times according to the nitrogen demand characteristics of the crops, so as to meet the needs of the crops and obtain high yields.

5. Fertilize due to soil quality

Soil texture and organic matter content have effects on nitrogen application. It is generally believed that the mineralization of organic matter in sandy soil is fast, and the fertilizer retention is poor, so it should be applied in small amount and multiple times;

The mineralization of organic matter in clay soil is slow, and the nitrogen fertilizer applied is easily absorbed by soil colloid and fixed by microorganisms.

6. Application due to crop species

Different plants require different amounts and types of nitrogen fertilizers. Leafy vegetables, tea trees, mulberry trees and other plants that harvest leaves require a large amount of nitrogen, and ammonium nitrogen is appropriate; stem bark, fibrous plants such as hemp, eucommia, cork, etc. are suitable for ammonium chloride; flowers, fruit trees Nitrate nitrogen fertilizer is often more appropriate.

The nitrogen demand of the same plant varies in different periods. In one year, the nitrogen demand in spring and summer is more than 52%, and the demand decreases during the fruit expansion period. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied early in a timely manner, especially during the ripening period of the fruit, in order to prevent greedy green and late ripening.

The use of urease inhibitors

The use of urease inhibitor is to inhibit the hydrolysis of urea by urease, so that urea can diffuse and move into deeper soil layers, thereby reducing the total concentration of ammonium and ammonia nitrogen in the surface soil of dry land or in the surface water of paddy fields, so as to reduce the volatilization of ammonia. loss.

The most studied urease inhibitors are O-phenylphosphoric diamide, N-butylthiophosphoric triamide and hydroquinone.

Eight, the use of nitrification inhibitors

The role of nitrification inhibitors is to inhibit nitrifying bacteria from converting ammonium nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen, thereby reducing the leaching loss of nitrate from denitrification losses of nitrogen.

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