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How To Apply Fertilizer Correctly To Increase The Output Of Fruit Trees

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Fertilization of fruit trees can effectively improve the growth and development of fruit trees and increase the yield of fruit trees, especially before flowering, which is a critical period of fruit tree fertilization.


So why do you need to fertilize fruit trees before flowers? How to fertilize? What are the precautions?

1. Reasons for top dressing before flower

This is determined by the growth characteristics of fruit trees. In the early stage, fruit trees bloom, set fruit, grow branches, and grow leaves. When there are too many flowers on the tree, the flowering and fruit setting will almost use up the reserves of nutrients, the tree will turn green slowly, and the leaves that grow out are small, because the long branches and leaves are used to reserve nutrients, because the reserves of nutrients are less after the flowers die. The new shoots of the whole tree stop growing early again, there are no long strips on the tree, and the number of leaves in the whole tree is relatively small. The small leaves and the small number of leaves, the small leaf area, there will be less photosynthesis, which is not conducive to the growth of the fruit and the storage of nutrients to form flowers, and it is easy to fall flowers and fruit.


The slow greening of the tree after flowering is not conducive to the division of young fruit cells within 40 days after flowering, which affects the growth of later fruit, because the cells of an apple are rapidly dividing every day within 40 days after flowering, and cells will no longer divide after 40 days. The number of cells no longer increases, but each cell keeps growing. The number of cells in an apple within 40 days and the speed of division have a lot to do with the number of flower buds on the tree, and the amount of nutrients reserved after the flower is declining.

Practice has proved that all "half-tree flowers" have green leaves and white flowers on the tree when the flowers bloom, because the "half-tree flowers" consume less reserve nutrients. In addition, there are leaves on the tree when the flowers bloom, and they will be synthesized when the leaves are green and bright. The nutritive ability, supplements the reserve nutrients consumed by flowering, turns green quickly, and is also conducive to the division of young fruit cells 40 days after flowering. Because the leaves "work" early after flowering, it is also conducive to the early growth of new shoots. It can also reduce the nutrient conversion period and shorten the "green and yellow" time.



The use of fertilizer before flowering can make the spring shoots grow for a long time, the leaves are large, and the leaves are many, which can lay a good foundation for the growth of fruit and the differentiation of flower buds.


2. Topdressing water-soluble fertilizer before flower


Topdressing should be water-soluble fertilizer and full nutrition: the water-soluble fertilizer will arrive on the tree a few hours after the root system is absorbed. After the leaves are absorbed, the leaves will have strong functions and will immediately synthesize more nutrients to supply the growth of the various organs of the fruit tree. The division of fruit cells has obvious effects on the growth of leaves and the growth of spring shoots.


Moreover, the top dressing before flowering must be full nutrition, because zinc-deficient leaflets are difficult to form flowers, iron-deficient leaves are chlorosis, lack of any of the middle and trace elements will affect the growth of new shoots, flowers and fruits.

Do not apply nitrogen fertilizer as top dressing before flowering. If the soil contains too much nitrogen, it will inhibit the absorption of other elements by the root system. Fruit trees will lack calcium and have many black spots, leaf diseases and rot diseases. Potassium supplementation is also insignificant in the later stage. Too much nitrogen will also cause the tree to grow vigorously, with many long strips, and the autumn shoots are long, the tree is weak and vigorous, not resistant to freezing and drought. Because of the long shoots in autumn, the 2-year-old branches are difficult to flower, and the 2-year-old branches cannot grow small branches.


Three, pay attention to before applying flower fertilizer

Reasonable topdressing is based on the vigor and weakness of the tree and the number of flower buds. All trees full of flowers are weak, and the amount of topdressing before the flowers is large, because there are too many people and the food is not enough to eat, and the effect is not good. In addition, when the tree is full of flowers, there are few leaves on the tree, and only when the new shoots grow out. The fertilizer applied in front of the flower can immediately catch on, and "work" as soon as possible to synthesize more nutrients, so that the fruit will grow up and become flowers. Reserve more nutrients.


Because of the "half-tree flower" flowering, Wangshu consumes less nutrients, has large leaves, good tree vigor, and more leaves. As long as the fruit is kept reasonably and there is less topdressing, the fruit can grow up. However, weak trees have small leaves and few leaves. Only by increasing the number of top dressing and improving leaf function, can the fruit grow up and become flowers year after year.




Phosphate Prices Hit Highest Level Since 2012

Mar 04, 2021

View: 107

Fertilizer prices continue to climb, as higher demand and strained supplies are creating issues. According to Rabobank's latest RaboResearch North America Agribusiness Review,  phosphate prices are now at the highest levels in North America since 2012. 


The report also shows urea is likely to see further price movement, as higher corn prices improve appetite for demand are key drivers of the market.


The sticker shock is also happening with nitrogen. Ken Ferrie, Farm Journal Field Agronomist and owner of Crop-Tech Consulting, Heyworth, Ill., says nitrogen prices were already moving higher, but the Texas freeze didn't help, putting a strain on production. 



The nitrogen market is also climbing and seems to be climbing on a weekly basis,says Ferrie. Some of that is probably tied to corn prices as well, but you hear more due to the recent cold snap. They had to reroute some of this natural gas to heating instead of making nitrogen, so some of the facilities have been slowed down or shut down. Thats especially the case in the Texas situation where they had to move to heating. So, it's putting pressure on that market."

With issues sourcing fertilizer in some places, industry experts predict the higher fertilizer prices to last through spring. 

Rabo's February report also stated price and supply concerns. "Looking further ahead, some buying opportunities may emerge as we look into the 2022 season for other inputs, as well. The potential risk for seed price increases headed into the 2022 planting season should be considered. 


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