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Grapes use calcium fertilizer to reduce disease

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Calcium fertilizer can increase the toughness and hardness of grape skins, which in turn can increase the resistance of grapes to the above diseases and reduce the occurrence of diseases. Calcium deficiency in grapes will cause reverse curling of leaves and dark green new leaves, which will seriously increase the rate of grape fruit cracking, aggravate physiological diseases such as grape shrinkage disease, reduce fruit firmness and poor storability. Therefore, calcium should be supplemented in time during the growth of grapes. White.

Spraying calcium fertilizer should be carried out in the expansion stage of young fruit, that is, from 1 week after flowering to the hard core stage, 2-3 times in a row, with an interval of 7-10 days. Calcium fertilizer requires water solubility, high concentration, and easy absorption such as chelated calcium. When spraying, choose a windless or less windy weather, spray finely to the back of the leaves, and focus on the young parts of the inflorescence and fruit ear. In order to improve the firmness and commerciality of the fruit, calcium fertilizer should be sprayed once 10-15 days before the grapes are picked.

The soil application of lime can not only supplement calcium, but also apply it when the garden is cleared in winter, and can be applied again after the grapes bloom.

Many diseases of grapes are caused by insufficient toughness and hardness of grapes, such as cob brown rot, black pox, white rot, and black rot. Calcium can increase the toughness and hardness of grape skins, which in turn can increase the resistance of grapes to the above diseases and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

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