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Fertility requirements of bananas

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Bananas are now one of the mainstream fruits on the market, and their cultivation is also relatively common. Fertilisation is more important in the cultivation of bananas, and a good application of fertiliser will be of greater help to the production of bananas.

Fertiliser characteristics of bananas

Bananas need a lot of fertilizer to grow and have a well-developed root system with shallow distribution. Nitrogen fertilizer can promote the early flowering of bananas and increase yield significantly. Potassium fertiliser is a necessary component for the synthesis of pseudostems and leaf fibres: bananas need the most potassium fertiliser. Nitrogen fertiliser is the next most important. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 4:1:14. For varieties with high culms, the potassium to nitrogen ratio is low; for varieties with short culms, the potassium to nitrogen ratio is high; the potassium to nitrogen ratio is low in the early stages and high in the later stages.

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