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Fertilisation process for pumpkins

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Base fertiliser for pumpkins.

Because pumpkins have a well-developed root system and strong fertiliser-absorbing capacity, they should be turned 30 cm deep before winter and turned over for a second plough the following spring. Apply 75,000 kg of well-rotted organic fertiliser per hectare, scattered before turning the second plough or concentrated in the sowing bed. After tilling and levelling, make sowing beds or planting beds with about 4,500 plants per hectare. (One hectare equals about 15 mu)

After the pumpkin has been transplanted, if the seedlings are weak and the leaves are light and yellow, apply a fertiliser in combination with watering, 3750-4500 kg of dilute manure per hectare.

When the plant enters the middle of its growth and sits on 1~2 young melons, it should be reapplied with fruiting fertiliser before sealing the rows, generally 15,000~22,500 kg of well-rotted dilute manure or cake fertiliser per hectare. In case of drought during this period, you can apply 225-300 kg/ha of compound fertiliser in combination with watering.

After the fruit has started to be harvested, a small amount of organic fertiliser can be applied to prevent the plant from failing prematurely and to increase the later yield. If you do not harvest young melons, but are prepared to harvest mainly mature melons, you do not need to follow up with fertiliser in the later stages, only watering or waterlogging. You can also spray 0.2% to 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate in the middle and late stages, once every 7 to 10 days, 2 to 3 times in a row.

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