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Ferrie: In Cold Temps, Delay Planting Soybeans That Aren’t SDS Protected

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Temperatures are forecast to dip into the low 20s across parts of central Illinois on Tuesday, and snowflakes could fall as well.

Farmers are asking Farm Journal Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie whether they should forge ahead with planting soybeans or stop until soil temperatures rebound.

Before answering, Ferrie offers two questions for farmers’ consideration:

.    Do you have experience planting early soybeans? Even under ideal conditions there is some risk with planting early, and inclement weather conditions just add to that risk.

2.    Did you use a seed treatment specifically designed to address Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) in the soybeans you want to plant now?

Currently, there are only two traditional active ingredients in the marketplace that fit the bill: pydiflumetofen (Saltro) and fluopyram (ILeVo). Both are Group 7 fungicides that provide soybeans with protection against seedling infections caused by Fusarium virguliforme, the causal agent of SDS.

A biological seed treatment is also available, CeraMax.

“My advice is don’t plant soybeans until the soil warms up unless you’re absolutely positive the field doesn’t have any SDS issues,” Ferrie says.

Many farmers are telling Ferrie they haven’t seen SDS since 2015, so they believe their fields are in the clear.

Not so fast, Ferrie tells them. “We saw yields that year get hammered in fields that had been in continuous corn for five years,” he recalls. “If SDS wipes out a field of your soybeans in mid-August, it’ll be gut-wrenching – especially with the potential prices we could have.”

What about planting corn, you ask? That’s probably not a good option in central Illinois this week, either, Ferrie says.

However, there are some exceptions that he addresses in this week’s Boots In The Field podcast.

If you don’t usually give the podcast a listen, this is the week to make an exception. Ferrie’s corn and soybean planting recommendations detailed in this 18-minute podcast will make you money or – at the very least – help save you a lot of dollars this season. You don’t want to miss it.

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