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Calcium nitrate function, advantages, method of use, applicable crops, use effect

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What are the advantages of calcium nitrate in the growth process of apples?

Calcium nitrate is a new type of chemical fertilizer. It has been widely used in developed countries. It not only guarantees the content of nitrate nitrogen, but also better solves the problem of poor calcium mobility and insoluble in water. It is a new type of compound containing nitrogen and calcium. Fertilizers can improve the soil and increase the grain structure so that the soil does not agglomerate. It can quickly supplement nitrogen and calcium for apples, improve the status of soil nitrogen and calcium deficiency, promote the normal growth and development of apples, reduce production costs, and promote fruit farmers' income. The application of calcium nitrate in apple production has the following advantages:

1. Good performance, easy to store and transport

Calcium nitrate is a more nitrate nitrogen fertilizer than ammonium nitrate. Due to the presence of calcium, its hygroscopicity is lower than that of ordinary ammonium nitrate, thereby improving agglomeration and thermal stability, and it is not easy to occur during storage and transportation. Risk of fire and explosion.

2. Mainly nitrate nitrogen and calcium, apples are easy to absorb and utilize

(1) Calcium nitrate is a new chemical fertilizer containing nitrogen and calcium. It contains a large amount of nitrate nitrogen, which can be directly absorbed and utilized by plants.

What is the agricultural effect of calcium nitrate?

Calcium nitrate has been very popular among farmers in recent years, and every family uses it almost every year, but what is its effect? Today I enumerate its advantages in agriculture as follows:

1. Good performance, easy to store and transport. Ammoniated calcium nitrate and agricultural calcium nitrate, as a substitute for ammonium nitrate, is a more nitrate nitrogen fertilizer than ammonium nitrate. Due to the presence of calcium, agricultural calcium nitrate has lower hygroscopicity than ordinary ammonium nitrate, thereby improving agglomeration and thermal stability. It is not prone to fire and explosion hazards during storage and handling.

2. The volatilization loss is small and the utilization rate is high. According to relevant reports at home and abroad: the nitrogen loss of urea and ammonium bicarbonate during storage and use is 40%-50%. The environmental pollution caused by the loss of nitrogen every year in my country is also quite serious. Therefore, improving the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and protecting the environment have become critical issues for my country's agricultural development. Agricultural calcium nitrate containing nitrate nitrogen can be directly absorbed by crops without soil transformation, and the loss of nitrogen from volatilization is small. It has fast fertilizer effect when used as base fertilizer and top dressing, and can quickly supplement nitrogen to crops.

3. Mainly nitrate nitrogen, calcium crops are indispensable. Agricultural calcium nitrate is a new type of chemical fertilizer containing nitrogen and calcium. Calcium nitrate for agriculture contains a lot of nitrate nitrogen. Compared with ammonium nitrogen and amide nitrogen, it does not need to be converted and can be directly absorbed and utilized by plants. Calcium is one of the essential nutrient elements for the growth and development of crops and plays a role in the growth of crops. Important role. According to the analysis of relevant experts, the calcium demand of many crops is second only to nitrogen and potassium, but higher than phosphorus.

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